Latvia's far-right political landscape is kept solid by quite an exotic for an europeans system of non-citizenship of Latvia.
15% of nation a non-citizens are not a stateless persons or citizens of other country, still all Latvian born children of non-citizens still are non-citizens. Unlike stateless persons, non-citizens fully belongs to state, bur are deprived of voting rights and can not apply to certain state based jobs. Alsou non-citizens have Latvian passports of different colour with word 'alien' in it, so have problems going throught passport controls abroad.
To understand it, look at neigbouring regions. Similar laws exist in middle eastern tyranies. In Asad regime certain syrian ethno-religious groups are deprived of citizen rights, and in some region countries settled arabs have passports and full citizenship but bedaui don't. So Asad had declared, if 2nd/3rd generation kurdish refuges will support him, he will grant them passports and citizenship.
Like in middle east non-citizenship of Latvia is ethnic, non-citizens form lowest class of russians, ukrainians, belorussians, poles. Mostly old, poor, uneployed or uneducated. But there there are senior russian pro-democraty antiUSSR activist, whom by the Latvian laws in her old age was granted non-citizenship.
Pretty stunning curiosity is that non-citizens of Latvia call themselves a negroes, (in russian negr), however it's not so suprising understanding social status of non-citizens and russian history lacking race based slavery. Russian word for a "non-citizen" "негражданин" (negrazhdanin) sounds pretty similar to "негр" (negr) a literar russian transliteration of "negroe".
This "non-citizenship" is fractally wrong, it is wrong in all the perspectives and scales. It is undemocratic, unethical, antihuman, ethnic tension spreading, racist, human degradating, uneuropean, fascist and creating negative attitudes towards European Union amongst the russians.
Political system of non-citizenship allows neo-nazis to enter Latvian parlament coalition cause if non-citizens (15% of Latvia's residents) would have a chance to vote, they wouldn't had voted for nazis and xenophobes, thus creating balanced parlament not putting radical nationalism as main political interest.
Hi there, Edgar!
ОтветитьУдалитьActually, aliens(nepilsoņi) in Latvia are the most protected stateless persons in the whole world. When regaining independence, there was a (political) decision to be made - whether enact a law that would leave a significant part of the population as stateless persons (still allowing to apply for Russian citizenship) or develop this rather unusual concept of alien, which means that the persons are protected by the state of Latvia (which is usually a trait of citizenship), but do not have the full scope of rights of citizens. The aliens were allowed opting also for Russian citizenship.
In most cases the persons in question would be considered stateless, but the decision was in favor to these persons and they were granted protection. Actually, quite many of them have alien passports and Russian passports, which is in fact illegal, but quite beneficial indeed.
I say, you should study a little bit more about history,law and politics and later revise this article.
On a more general topic - actually, if there are any nazis left in Latvia, they could be counted on fingers. Most of them have died of age or soon will anyway. The content of this blog is quite off-topic.
Dear Emil,
ОтветитьУдалитьCould you explain hove these people became aliens??? The sitizenship of these people was seizeed at that moment when Latvia got indepence from Russia. Why these people have to do anything else so to become normal people with out disgracing nickname "aliens"? Latvian goverments permanetly replaces terms and real situation.
Don't replace the terms!
Return the right to be a Latvian sitizen to 300 000 people!!!