четверг, 13 октября 2011 г.

NeoNazis entering Latvian coalition talks

After Latvian parlament elections in september, coalition talks entered so called National Alliance. National alliance was found as electoral alliance of soviet style national demagogs "For Fatherland and Freedom" (including some suspicions members like Jānis Straume and Jānis Birks, both by some claimed as corrupt) and ex neo-nazi group "All for Latvia!".

Notice stylised swastika as logo. Party claims, that swastika had nothing to do with german national socialism, however most of far right groups using stylised swastika claims the same. Say Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging claims triskelion swastika means three black sevens, number of YHWH.

Some "All for Latvia!" key members took place in some neo nazi meeting with russian radicals. None knows, what did they discussed, and thay claim, event didn't took place.

"All for Latvia!" are known for their participation in 16. march events. In theory at 16. march they just commemorate latvian wafen SS veterans. However in reality 16. march is meeting day of all latvian right wing radikals, be it relatively moderate "All for Latvia!", eccentric antisemite Aivars Garda, bombist Igors Šiškins or not so covered Aivars Gedroics and Uldis Freimanis, who managed to grab attention of Anti Defamation League.

During independance day "All for Latvia!" traditionaly organise torch march. No way torch marches are latvian tradition, however they look nice during night.

However beautifull, torch marches in central and eastern europe are characteristic only of far right groups, like these ukrainian radikals. No humanitarian, libertarian, centrist, green or christian groups organise such events. Actualy in central and eastern europe there are not so much these groups. It realy had to do with soviet past, as democrats and humanitarian activists were claimed enemies of soviet regime, but nationalist felt relatively free if they weren't anti soviet.

Something more aggresive from "All for Latvia!".

Funny, the song is plagiate of russian song Alisa - Nebo Slavjan (The sky of Slavs). Not so good for a party, claiming all ethnic minorities must be forcibly turned into latvians.

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